Take true peace and true value in what you feel, how you feel and most importantly, believe in those moments of clarity for it is your soul speaking out.
* This following journaled reminder was done on my birthday 11/27/2014 **
As I sit here on this quiet Thanksgiving eve.. I look at all that I am truly blessed to have in my life, however and in whatever way.
I am truly blessed to have my son and my daughter - though it is very few and far between in which I may see them or spend time with them, they still have a presence that is soothing to my soul just knowing that they are out there somewhere.
I am blessed that my mom, though not knowing how to be a Mother all these years, she still loves me in her own learned and knowing way.
I am blessed to have my health. I may never know why my life was spared 13 years ago but for whatever unknown reasons it was. The experiences whether failed or successful have been my own and I have tried countless times to not hold them against any other's for they are unique to me and me alone.
Today is my celebrated birthday. Okay well, no celebration really. I do not feel old yet no longer do I feel young. For quite some time now I truly don't know what it is that I feel.
I am blessed to have felt love in many ways; most recently being that deep, passionate, unconditional, unrequited love.
This love has left me searching and uncertain as to if I will find my heart again. I left myself open and exposed; something I won't ever do again.. for anyone.
I am blessed to have such a wonderful loving canine companion such as my Mason. Though to many he is simply just a dog.. he has now become my best friend, shielding pain, giving comfort and unconditional love in which I need and am unbelievably grateful for on many, many days. Without question, I understand the timing in which he came into my life.
I am blessed to have a comforting place in which I call home. It is within these walls that I find solace and am somewhat peaceful.
I am blessed for the job and the people in which I work for and with. Though some drive me absolutely insane at times, I know this job will not last forever and once again, this is a path I have been directed to travel for the time being.
I am blessed to have what knowledge I do have at this time in my life. I am at a pivotal placement. Although there is great uncertainty as to my future, as is expected, I know my journey is leading me out once again from my comfort zone.. from here where I've grown up. More travel and learned experiences are in my near future.
I have these and so many great and small blessings that I am eternally grateful for.
I give thanks to God. He knows that with me, it is a constant effort to remind me that He is in control, not I. *Smiles
I close this Thanksgiving Birthday of mine as I bow my head and close my eyes.. a deep breath I do take as I remind myself - I'm accountable for myself and my actions only. It's alright to feel what I feel so long as I don't let those feelings hold me back.
Yes, this is a great reminder indeed.
G - LS - SS, November 27, 2014