Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Birthday Blessing Reminder

Take true peace and true value in what you feel, how you feel and most importantly, believe in those moments of clarity for it is your soul speaking out. 
* This following journaled reminder was done on my birthday 11/27/2014 **

As I sit here on this quiet Thanksgiving eve.. I look at all that I am truly blessed to have in my life, however and in whatever way. 

I am truly blessed to have my son and my daughter - though it is very few and far between in which I may see them or spend time with them, they still have a presence that is soothing to my soul just knowing that they are out there somewhere. 

I am blessed that my mom, though not knowing how to be a Mother all these years, she still loves me in her own learned and knowing way.

I am blessed to have my health. I may never know why my life was spared 13 years ago but for whatever unknown reasons it was. The experiences whether failed or successful have been my own and I have tried countless times to not hold them against any other's for they are unique to me and me alone. 

Today is my celebrated birthday. Okay well, no celebration really. I do not feel old yet no longer do I feel young. For quite some time now I truly don't know what it is that I feel. 

I am blessed to have felt love in many ways; most recently being that deep, passionate, unconditional, unrequited love. 
This love has left me searching and uncertain as to if I will find my heart again. I left myself open and exposed; something I won't ever do again.. for anyone. 

I am blessed to have such a wonderful loving canine companion such as my Mason. Though to many he is simply just a dog.. he has now become my best friend, shielding pain, giving comfort and unconditional love in which I need and am unbelievably grateful for on many, many days. Without question, I understand the timing in which he came into my life. 

I am blessed to have a comforting place in which I call home. It is within these walls that I find solace and am somewhat peaceful. 

I am blessed for the job and the people in which I work for and with. Though some drive me absolutely insane at times, I know this job will not last forever and once again, this is a path I have been directed to travel for the time being. 

I am blessed to have what knowledge I do have at this time in my life. I am at a pivotal placement. Although there is great uncertainty as to my future, as is expected, I know my journey is leading me out once again from my comfort zone.. from here where I've grown up. More travel and learned experiences are in my near future. 

I have these and so many great and small blessings that I am eternally grateful for. 
I give thanks to God. He knows that with me, it is a constant effort to remind me that He is in control, not I. *Smiles

I close this Thanksgiving Birthday of mine as I bow my head and close my eyes.. a deep breath I do take as I remind myself - I'm accountable for myself and my actions only. It's alright to feel what I feel so long as I don't let those feelings hold me back. 

Yes, this is a great reminder indeed. 

G - LS - SS, November 27, 2014

Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Helping Grace

Fleeting moments of forgiveness just beyond my reach
To be forgiven by another and to just forgive myself
Hurry up the time, hurry up and wait
Time is all I have for now so I'll place it on my shelf
He knew I needed comfort to face the day's ahead
A ticking clock in silence
'Cause I've said what could be said
No more stumbling as I walk this broken road
I take
You take my hand in yours to comfort, but I've already been comforted, my soul you'll not forsake
Thank you for your time because so many seek your grace
To walk this road without you isn't something I could face
When we get to where we're going, if I may ask you one more thing
Before they lock those gates behind me, see that I'm safely tucked away within my Guardian Angel's wing


Our Creator 💞

Sexy is the 'mind' of oneself that  encouraged greatly to partner and become one with it's 'soulmate', our emotional self
also of oneself. The unity of the two is what I am now realizing and have come to believe, is and has been and will continue to teach every living human by our Creator. 
In order for an emotion to develop and understand why or what has brought it forward, the mind most certainly has therefore been taught to relate certain content to associate it with.
Atoms, molecules, light, sound ~ ENERGY. Life in the dimension of the living human world is precisely that, a human life held within the confines by time and space in this world's particular chemistry it's made from. It is my own opinion that to believe we are the only life form to exist on any scientific level of thinking, is not only very narrow minded but also one that demonstrates being heavily educated and/or swayed by an emotion known as arrogance. A partnership heading towards destruction for the mind and emotion. 
Since I have come to believe that we are all made one in the same from our Creator as our Creator exists, LOVE, therefore, is perhaps the most logical first emotion we're born unto experiencing and as previously mentioned would appear to be the perfect pairing for the mind. 
Do you believe that death is final when we reach our end? Do you believe that a part of us continues on? To the believer that there is a dead end road once we die, I simply ask a small challenge of you, if you may be so kind. I challenge you to give your mind a mental treat. Without going into the challenge with the mind's learned emotion (if you will), that to die and think or believe there's a God or 'Higher', religious/spiritual life belief whether knowable or unknowing really shouldn't have to be the deciding factor of whether or not we do. If there's even the remote possibility, however, to believe, have HOPE in something else, feed your mind with the knowledge of the possibility. What's it gonna hurt? Again, life after death doesn't necessarily have to be equated to there being a religious aspect to it. I'm just trying to break it down for those who may think along those lines so that perhaps it can open the door to the possiblity vs finality. If you could care less one way or the other and you are being true to yourself in the mind's emotion of that, then only you gotta be okay with that, in theory. 
Personally, I tend to believe that all religions are in fact connected by their beliefs to one another. I believe there is life after death, even different experiences given out with it. 
You have to understand that the mind is taking the lead when it comes to the choice, once made in either of these circumstances. The unity of the mind and emotion collectively helped in that determination. The dynamics in getting there however, ranging from country, culture, family, a multitude of life changes just to name a few, remain the same in my opinion. Dynamics introduced emotion to the mindset, hence how the relationship started. Do you get what I'm saying?  
Now, here's how I bring it all together. The thoughts and ideals that we choose to believe drove us to the door. It really shouldn't matter how you got there, you're there! 
The Creator, God, that I believe in is in essence different parts of all religions/faith's out there. The message intended for us all,  however, the same.
Love that is given to your purpose, your devine reason of existence, yourself, your mind's view of yourself and all other's, in my opinion is exactly the teaching lesson we're meant to learn and understand. To know and love yourself isn't an easy task for many, believe me, I know. To love my God who I seek, my Creator, is teaching me what it truly means to know and love my true self. To love our God is to love myself. We are as one within the universe and all that exists around us. There is no other emotion greater than love. All otherr emotions are created thereafter.. hope, faith, loyalty, gratitude, moral integrity in start and yes, despair, frustration, anger, hate, racism and so on. Our free will have a determining factor in just how we meet our Creator on our day. I strongly believe that how we cross over can be crucial in that existence once there. 
If we all could try to open our heart and mind to the conversation, with one another, with your Devine belief of your existence. It doesn't have to be a loud, uncomfortable one. In the quiet of your mind is perfect too! 
When the mind is open to the 'new', different and unknown, you just may surprise yourself in learning that though we each are identifiably unique, our intended existence in life to afterlife is a shared collective in whole. 
Well, that's it for now. Talk soon 💖

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Blame Game

Playing with my own deception
A game where the score remains tied and I truly have no peace
Round and round my mind keeps turning as my demons take their spin, no end in sight for my release
Down again, up again, up again, down
Like the strings of a marionette having full control of a clown
It's a game that's been played so I've heard since the dawn of mankind 
By the hands of the young, the old, the deaf and even the blind
A deceptive game indeed, one played even by you I've no doubt at least once or twice
Though the rules through time have remained, the stakes grow higher..  Tell me, do you know.. 'what is the worth of your bet, your vice?' I'll know if you're a liar
Does this vice that you may even deny having keep taking away pieces of the good He's made you as you are 
Does it have you believing your steps to a closer, forward direction have only left you twice or three times as far
The Blame Game is most tricky and is played by each opposing side quite well
The struggle to win played out on Earth to which many have called the devil's playground and other's swear it's Hell
I do not lack deception and on the other hand my faith surpasses fear
Free will keeps fouling will power, which in turn gets another chance to score
On the devil's turn at play, watch out for what he tries 
Because most times to win the game in life with little effort, is more than likely a trick with lies 

GS 03/03/21

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Show Me Your Scar's

"Show me your scars" he urged her. A look of hurt flashed across his face 
"But... Why?" She asked as she tilt her head to look at him.
       "Honestly," he replied softly,looking deep into her brown eyes, "Because I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there" *a tear rolls down his face