I dreamt of you again tonight, like many of my nights. Everything I see and feel seem to be so real and so vibrant in colors. My conversations I remember but not so much that have with you as I do with the girls lately, except tonight's. They have grown so much, the girls that is. We laugh and talk just like we used too. I see the concern on their faces however, but it isn't so much coming from them as it is from their mom. I understand why. You had taken on a painting contractor job in my dream the night before. Nothing happened between us of course in any romantic sense. It was as if we were both simply reacquainting ourselves with one another.
Tonight's dream I came to visit there; I guess to proclaim the feelings I still today feel for you, I dunno. You were kind and open to talking. I could smell your scent so vividly. I could see your face and hear your voice. The girls and I again laughed and we're kidding around with one another. .
It was difficult waking up. It was like being left in suspense as to what direction we would go. However, it's always been difficult waking up from our dreams. Although they leave me sad, I always seem to smile to myself just knowing it was time I had to spend with you at least. Until next time, Lady
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